Sunday, 18 March 2018
Is blogging still for me?
I'll be honest with you. I'm not sure on the answer to this question. You may have noticed that I've been a bit absent on here since the start of the year, and it's been down to the fact that I haven't felt like writing a blog post and I haven't felt inspired to. I did start to wonder if maybe blogging wasn't for me anymore and whether I should give it up entirely.
I set my blog up in the summer of 2014 and for the following two years I had this blog as a creative outlet whilst I read many a book (I studied English Literature) and completed many an essay (once I smashed out a 3000 word draft in an afternoon) and looking back to then I had a lot more of something than I do now: time. Sure; I had lectures and seminars but I was in as much in a week as I am in work for a day now. Now don't get me wrong, completing a degree is bloomin' hard, and props to anyone who is currently studying! but my blog became somewhere I could document my journey through my degree, and I had a lot more time to get creative.
Once graduation hit and I was whirled into the post-degree life, there were massive changes happening such as moving house, starting a full time job, and having Tilly live with us. Obviously I was (and am) so grateful for all of this to happen, but even if good stuff is going on it can still be a bit of a shock to the system and a bit scary you know?
I think because I had only ever known my blog in relation to being a student, that suddenly not being a student somehow curbed my creativity with this space and I really struggled to think of new ideas and change this space to fit in with my new lifestyle. After a few months of posting here and there I decided that I wanted to get back into blogging again, and for a few months I really enjoyed posting again and thought I had cracked it. Even coming into this year I made it a goal to post at least once a week as I thought this would be feasible (lol failed there) but I seem to have hit this slump again and I'm not sure why. I don't want to give up my blog and I want to enjoy posting and find my spark again. I think I need to have a sit down and have a proper think about where I want this space on the internet to go, and what not only you enjoy reading, but I enjoy writing. Are there any types of posts in particular that you like to read and would like more of that type to feature on here?
Even just writing this all down has made me feel a lot better about my blog and its future, and so in answer to my title: yes blogging is still for me but I need to work out which direction I want it to go in. I hope you've missed me (I've missed you) and so here's hoping to more (consistent) content and to me finding that spark of inspiration. Is there anything you do that you find works to get you out of a creative slump?
Jess x
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jesslouisekeen | All rights reserved.
Sometimes you have to get down to it and fix a date for the next blog. Once you start this will become part of your routine. I think its like arranging a holiday. You think about it but no dates are arranged, before you know it the summer is over and too late. I would set a date to start thinking about the next one, plan etc and then a date to publish. We all love reading your blogs and they would be greatly missed. I especially liked the craft ones and cookery. Easter is coming up so you could so domething to do with that. What about ideas for your scrapbooking or bullet journel. I would love to do a blog but not sure how to start. Dont give up 😘😘