
Monday, 30 April 2018

April 2018

1.// The month started off at my parents house completing an easter egg hunt (minus one bunny that my mum conveniently forgot the location of)
2.// I started a new job at the start of the month, and along with this I had my hair cut a lot shorter (I still haven't been able to master how to curl it with the straighteners)
3.// On a spur of the moment I bought tickets for myself and Tom to go and see Shrek the Musical - although sceptical Tom thoroughly enjoyed it, and we especially like the Lord Farquad kneeling man/puppet legs prop 
4.// At the end of my second week in my new role we hosted the British Conference for Undergraduate Research which led to me feeling like a security guard with my walkie talkie and there was a lot of balloons
5.// We took a trip to Nottingham to go to the football for Tom's brothers' birthday. Their team lost and a drunk 75 year old on the train couldn't believe Tom had never had some 'Sally on the side'
6.// We had a mini heatwave which made me long for the summer sun; I bought myself a pair of 'mom jeans' which make me feel like I'm a part of Stranger Things minus the monsters, and I finished my fifth book of the year which puts me ahead in my 12 books in 12 months goal
7.// We had a student house reunion minus Luke plus Ross' brother Jordan which involved going for a curry. 
8.// Tom and I took Tilly to Rivelin for a long walk after work and I became a fully trained first aider so if you fall over around me I'm now qualified to heal you
9.// Tom celebrated his 23rd (!) birthday which involved another curry and brownie cake. CEX also put the wrong game in the case for one of his presents but it turned out to be a better game so silver linings and all that.

How was your April?

Jess x


  1. Yes we were a bit unsure how it would be as a musical but we both thoroughly enjoyed it! Hope you had a good month x

  2. Sounds like you had an enjoyable month. Time sure flies. I didn't know that there was a Shrek, the Musical. I hope you continue to have a good year.


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