
Thursday, 1 June 2017

Cuppa Catch Up May

 Let's go back to a classic here; cuppa catch up's. Long-time readers might remember these types of posts from way back at the start of 2016 - I started them but they seemed to fizzle out so I'm here to remedy this! If this is the first time you've come into contact with a cuppa catch up, the premise is very simple: grab a cup of tea (or beverage of your choice) and lets have a catch up about the past month!
 I started scrapbooking late last year, and as this follows a monthly format I thought it would be nice to have some words alongside that I can read in conjunction with the pages. The month started off super sunny and being the crazy cat that I am, I took myself into the city centre to get a second piercing in my ears! This spontaneity is very unlike me but I woke up one day and thought, you know what I'm going to get a piercing today and I did. I felt very empowered to make a decision and follow through with it, and I was brave through the pain! I had the piercing at The Owl and the Pussycat and I felt at ease through the whole process and the lady that did it was lovely.
 Tom and I have come back to Suffolk for a few days before we go away on holiday (which I am very excited for) and this has meant that Tilly has met my parents border collie Max for the first time. I don't think she was too sure about him to begin with but they're getting on really well and Tilly keeps play fighting with him but only if she can lay in her bed lols. We took them both the beach at the weekend during the glorious sunshine (the one thing Sheffield is missing is the sea!), we've been to visit family and I finally returned to The Waffle House in Norwich for lunch!

How was your May?

Jess x

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