
Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Chocolate Jammie Biscuits

 We had a coffee morning at work last week and as my contribution I made these 'chocolate jammie biscuits' and they went so well and tasted so yummy that I had to share the recipe with you! The recipe comes from the most recent Tesco magazine, and they are super easy to make. The magazine said this recipe would make 8 biscuits but I ended up making 19 so I don't know if my cookie cutter is a lot smaller than theirs!

You will need: 
100g butter
75g caster sugar
175g plain flour
25g cocoa powder
2 tbsp milk

Jam of choice
50g butter
100g icing sugar

Line two baking sheets with baking paper

Cream together the butter and caster sugar with an electric whisk

Sift the cocoa powder and flour into the mixture and combine with a wooden spoon. Add in enough milk until the mixture forms a soft dough (you will need to get your hands in to mould it together)

Preheat the oven to 200C/392F/GM6

Knead the dough and then roll out on a floured surface 

Cut out your shapes - make sure you have two per biscuit - and place on your baking sheets 

Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes until slightly firm - I placed one baking sheet on the top shelf and one on the middle and swapped them round half way through

Take the biscuits out of the oven and leave to cool completely on a wire rack

Once the biscuits have completely cooled you can make your icing!

Cream together the butter and the icing sugar, and if you need to make it come together just add a splash of milk

Taking two biscuits at a time, spread the icing on one side and your jam of choice on the other (I personally used strawberry)

Sandwich your two biscuits together and repeat on the rest!

 Store the biscuits in an airtight container and you're good to go! As always if you have a go at making these please let me know, and let me know what you think of them. Having not used this recipe before I was really impressed with how they turned out and I know that I will definitely be making them again!

Jess x

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